Saturday, March 3, 2012

In the Nose?

As I pulled into the parking spot for Jeremiah's second soccer game, I turn around to wake Brianna up and see something blue in her nose. Immediately I get out of the car, go to her and try to figure out what the heck was up there. 
It was pretty high and looked like a shoe, so I just assumed it was one of the blue barbie shoes. I call Nicy to see how busy her job was and we were, thankfully, able to get in to see a doctor pretty quick. 
She was a trooper. She didn't even cry when he stuck those tweezer looking things up her nose. 
It ended up being a blue pony tail. After the doctor took that first one out, Bri sneezed and another came flying out.  {Bubba is sitting here laughing so hard at this Monkey!}

Seriously little girl, how many did you stuff up there!! =)

We were able to make it to Jeremiah's game by half time. Yay!

I couldn't help but remember the time Jeremiah stuck a rock in his ear when he was about Bri's age. I just remember getting a phone call at work, panic mode kick in and race to get him to the ER. He too was a trooper when the doctor got the rock out. 

OH! And let me also remember that a few nights later, Bri comes into my room...

"Mommy, something is in my nose!"

First I think she just has to blow her nose, but then I hear that her breathing was abnormal, so I get my phone to look in her nose and sure enough, something was stuck up there. It ended up being a small bead, like one from those Madri Gras necklaces. She started to cry and it started to come closer to the opening of her nose, and I was able to push it out. 

Do I just pop out kids who like to stick things in ears/noses? ;) 

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