Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Picnic at the Park

OA couple days ago, the kids and I had a fun little picnic at the park.

{i'll have to fix these pics later. Not sure why they are posting funny from my phone}

Avery finally learned how to swing by herself at my sister's a couple weekends ago. So, she was very excited to show me what a big girl she was. 

My first baby girl is growing up so fast. I wish I could freeze time. Before I know it she will be in Kinder.....oh, wait, she will be in August. Where have the years gone?

Even Bri is growing up so fast. She may be a small thing, but this girl has no fear sometimes. How I miss not having a care in the world.

Life just seemed so simple as a child. No planning for the future. We just had faith that our parents knew what they were doing.

I was reminded of that faith this morning as I read Jesus Calling scripture today. Here is a portion...

You can make some plans as you gaze into the day that stretches out before you. But you need to hold those plans tentatively, anticipating that I may have other ideas. The most important thing to determine is what to do right now. Instead of scanning the horizon of your life, looking for things that need to be done, concentrate on the task before you and the One who never leaves your side.

Those of you that know me, know I like to plan ahead. Sometimes, waaay ahead. But, I need to realize that those plans can change in a second. I need to remember to keep the faith in my Father, no matter what the road ahead looks like. Because His plan for me is far better than my own.

I had fun with my babies. I love how God can use any moment or situation to teach you something. =)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day 2012

Mother's Day was just as I had hoped it would be. Relaxing, fun time with my babies. 
Sunday we spent half the day at church volunteering. It's refreshing to be back in the groove of things at church. For a few months I went M.I.A, but I'm back! And I know my friends Kyla and Jenny are excited about that! =)
I needed help with all my stuff since Bri wanted to be carried, so I took the opportunity to teach J to help out...even with the woman's purse ;)

After church, we headed to lunch at On the Border. Nice patio lunch with the loves of my life. 
Then, we headed home and relaxed. Couldn't of asked for a better day =)

Loved every minute of Mother's Day! 

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

"Awakening" Women's Retreat 2012

Last weekend my church had their annual Women's Retreat. It was a BLAST!

My roomies!! We had so much fun! Probably a little too much fun.

Kyla is adorable. One of the many reasons I love her. She brought us a roomie gift! Each note said...

We are going to have so much FUN

We are going to cry and laugh 'till we cry

Isn't she cute!! Thank you Lovie!!

A retreat is no fun unless you can act like a kid with some of your sweetest friends!! LOL!!

A little story for your amusement....*note to self, go potty before you act like a kid and jump on beds! Haha!!! Yep, I tinkled a little. Don't worry, not a lot, just a tiny bit to notice. 3 kids will do that to ya =)

This was Kyla's status update on Saturday morning, and I don't think I could sum it up better....

That moment when you wake up next to some of your best friends surrounded by empty bleach pens, chalk dust, cookies, Funyuns and Tortilla Factory carnage... 

Thank you for the great memories ladies! Love you girls!

The retreat was great. We had a speaker, Debbie Wilson, and she was awesome. Last year she was the speaker as well. Although I didn't go, I heard she was great. A few notes..

Psalm 9:10
-God is a God who sees everything.
He sees every tear and, hears every cry. 
He longs to heal your hurts.
Proverbs 4:20-27
Ephesians 4:1-4 & 2:10
I am nothing with out Him. 
Steadily pour love out to one another.
Humble yourself.
Romans 6
God knows the intent of your heart. 
Galatians 5:7
Isaiah 41:9-10