Friday, March 30, 2012

Phone Pics

Just a few pictures that I've taken with my phone....
Bri's "mean" face. Oh the many, many times I see this in a day =) She even tries to roll her eyes at me. Ha! That is hilarious. 

Jeremiah can be the best big brother ever. Sure the girls get on his nerves at times, but there are also moments like this. Just to make her happy, because she wanted to play Pokemon, he will let her mess up his game and play.
This picture makes me laugh. I use to leave the closet door open in the girls room, but that quickly changed when I would wake up to a massive, literally massive, piles of books on her floor. Apparently Bri has turned into a night owl and while everyone is asleep, she reads. So, I started to lock the closet. One morning I woke up to this. A very organized, everything in it's place {well for a 3year old} line of pull-ups. She is my daughter =). I like organization and everything to be in place. {Excuse the white marks.....she also got into the diaper cream...she is something else!}
 Now, this REALLY makes me LOL. Avery, especially. One night I wanted to take a picture of us girls in Avery's bed hanging out. My phone flash is so bright though, it made Avery cheese really big and make big eyes. But, made Bri do the opposite. HA!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Sleeping Beauty

My first post from my Android. Hope it works! :)

I am very thankful that my cousin watches my girls while I work. I can bring them over in the morning still in pj's, inside out sometimes, and not feel bad. Some mornings they are up and ready for to tackle the day, but other's.....well the picture speaks for itself :)

Thank you Nini!!

Sunday, March 25, 2012

TEXANS! Games 3 & 4

This past weekend Jeremiah had two soccer games and it was HOT. I am already rockin' the farmers tan ;)

Game three was on Saturday and the team, well the team.....hmmm how does a mother say this nicely....not having practice for two weeks showed. We just were not on our game. 

I did almost kick a kid though. Not really, I'd never do that. But Mother Bear mode kicked in. Jeremiah plays goalie during one half of the game and at one point he dove to stop the ball and the other player still tried to go in for the kick. Mind you, the ball was right at Jeremiah's head. The ref saw and blew the whistle and thankfully the boy stopped, or he would of literally kicked my baby in the head. I just remember standing up ready to give the ref a piece of my mind if he hadn't blown that whistle. 

Yes, I'm "that" mom. :)....or at least I can be if my baby gets hurt on purpose. 

On the drive home, Jeremiah said that the other team, as they all line up to say "good game", apparently the other team was not so nice. Jeremiah said 

"I wanted to punch one of them for being so rude and laughing at us"

Whoops.....I think I should calm down during games! ;) Jeremiah is a very competitive kid. He does not like to lose and he really gets upset, especially if it is something he really loves, like soccer. Even, so, I probably should tone it down. 

Well, game four, something similar happened, but this time the ref didn't call it. This mamma was livid. But, I kept my cool. A little bit later, the ref called a foul on one of our guys for barely pushing a kid. In the game of soccer, a little nudge is fine. So, what do I do.....

"Really Ref!!?? You call that, but when my baby gets kicked in the head you say nothing!!??"

Yep, I lost my cool. I just got a look and I pretty much shut my mouth after that. Well, just so he couldn't hear me anymore. 

Jeremiah gets nudged, pushed and all that in's soccer.....and it doesn't bother me, but an intentional kick....yep, I get mad. 

Other than those issues, we played well. Game four we played a team who kicked our butt in the fall, bad and this time we held our ground pretty well. 

Until next Saturday....GO TEXANS!

*pics will be up soon*

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Tooth Fairy Time

The Tooth Fairy has been super busy these days. Not leaving money/gifts for lost teeth, but trying to complete this..... 
I found this really cute idea on Pinterest, of course.

Jaimee Rose has an easy DIY to follow as well as She's Making Cards. You can pretty much find everything at Hobby Lobby. I did, however, just today (see I'm slacking), buy the door knocker at Miniatures
Although, I totally forgot the mail slot so I will buy that as well.

Today I decided to tackle this door finally and buy the parts I still needed, until I realized that I put the numbers on the wrong side of the door. I kind of freaked for a minute thinking I'd have to buy another door, but I can just use the left over numbers. I just have to paint the other side first and add the extra trim to the other side.

Here is the idea behind the Tooth Fairy door.....basically this is where the fairy enters and leaves money/gifts. The box next to the door, here is my plan with that... In hopes that this little box lasts over the years, this will be the box where all of her baby teeth are kept.

In all honesty, I kind of think it's a bit weird/gross to keep all the teeth, but when I look back on those I have of Jeremiah's, it's kind of sentimental in a weird way. Ha!

I'm giving myself a week to finish this little project and start this cute, fun tradition with Avery.
I say the Tooth Fairy has been busy because, well Avery has had her teeth out since mid February! Oops! :) And I've kind of put this door thing on the back burner. So, I think I will use the idea of mailing Avery the door; Like she got a special gift from the Tooth Fairy. Possibly write a little letter telling Avery to put the door in a special place so she can visit her that night.
Here are a few things I, ahem...the Tooth Fairy will be doing as well....

Fairy Dust!! Gotta leave a little at the front of the door! Every Fairy has to have Fairy Dust! :) {I'll DIY my own though}
Tooth Fairy Kit. So cute huh! I like this because I want to date when she lost her teeth. Plus, a cute little letter and certificate from the Tooth Fairy is adorable!
HowDoesShe shared a cute idea on how to leave the tooth.
And there ya have it! Our Tooth Fairy tradition! I'm sure I'll add more or change things over the years, but for now I love it all. :)

Oh the things I wish I knew when Jeremiah was the girls' age. Alas, with everything new I find, I just start it now....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Happy 3rd Bri Bri

Today was my little Monkey's 3rd birthday. 
You make my life so bright. Your little attitude makes me laugh every day. I think it is so funny how grown you think you are. My favorite quote from you has been.... 
"Mommy, you have to be niiice" 
Even if I am being nice, but you are not getting your way, that is what you tell me. HaHa. 
You are still my little short stack. I haven't taken you for your 3 yr check up yet, but I can almost bet you are in the 10-20% for your height. You are short my darling! Ha! You can thank Great Grandma Caliste, your name sake, for that. :) 
Love you forever,

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

One Year

One year ago today......{on Feb. 20th is when he prayed}
my one and only boy was baptized!

And what a sweet, loving, caring and helpful young man he is turning into!
Thank you God, for this amazing child. Thank you for picking me to be his Mom. God, show me and guide me to be the Godly mother he needs me to be. To be the mother you created me to be. Continue to help me bring him to You.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

In the Nose?

As I pulled into the parking spot for Jeremiah's second soccer game, I turn around to wake Brianna up and see something blue in her nose. Immediately I get out of the car, go to her and try to figure out what the heck was up there. 
It was pretty high and looked like a shoe, so I just assumed it was one of the blue barbie shoes. I call Nicy to see how busy her job was and we were, thankfully, able to get in to see a doctor pretty quick. 
She was a trooper. She didn't even cry when he stuck those tweezer looking things up her nose. 
It ended up being a blue pony tail. After the doctor took that first one out, Bri sneezed and another came flying out.  {Bubba is sitting here laughing so hard at this Monkey!}

Seriously little girl, how many did you stuff up there!! =)

We were able to make it to Jeremiah's game by half time. Yay!

I couldn't help but remember the time Jeremiah stuck a rock in his ear when he was about Bri's age. I just remember getting a phone call at work, panic mode kick in and race to get him to the ER. He too was a trooper when the doctor got the rock out. 

OH! And let me also remember that a few nights later, Bri comes into my room...

"Mommy, something is in my nose!"

First I think she just has to blow her nose, but then I hear that her breathing was abnormal, so I get my phone to look in her nose and sure enough, something was stuck up there. It ended up being a small bead, like one from those Madri Gras necklaces. She started to cry and it started to come closer to the opening of her nose, and I was able to push it out. 

Do I just pop out kids who like to stick things in ears/noses? ;)